Fluxus    Roma Alpheus  25th feb. 1999
Little gig, as usual, for a band that deserved a bigger audience than the twenty people of tonight....

Pogopop: Hello guys, we're here at the Alpheus with the Fluxus.... we broadcast very few italian music y' know, so if we're here tonight there will be a reason! You already listened to them from our frequencies, and now we're here with the singer, who will tell us more about the band, the beginning, about when, how and where they joined together.
Fluxus: Hello everybody, I am Franz, the singer & guitar player. We're born more or less 6 years ago.... to tell the truth some of the band started playing togehter about 10 years ago. As Fluxus we officially exist since 1995, when our first record came out, called "Vita in un pacifico nuovo mondo" (life in a paficic new world, n.d.a.). We had some problems, we changed line up... we're from Turin, I didn't tell it before I think.
Pogopop: The band has a drummer, a wall of guitars, a bass guitar and 3 guitar players....
Fluxus: In reality there are two guitars, one guitar-bass and a bass guitar.....
Pogopop: so a good guitar wall, a very strong sound... who gives you inspiration?
Fluxus: From the beginning we worked hard on the sound 'cause we belive that the inside is more important than the outside so we put this opinion on the lyrics but also on the music which for us is the sound.... we always have worked in a particular wa ... I mean, on the first record already we had a line up with three guitars, a bass and drums and then two bass guitar, three guitars and drums. On our third record a bass guitar, a guitar-bass (which is a guitar with 4 strings and come out form two speakers, one for guitar and one fopr bass at the same time and two normal (more or less!!!!) guitars. Our project has always been oriented on a soundwall, as you rightly said, where the bricks are the distorted guitars.
Pogopop: we appreciated a lot the change of rhythm during some tracks.... drum changes, it become faster, more punk rock....
Fluxus: Yeah, on this record some nuances come out.... we're always been a bit monolitic, we're not commercial..... by choice! But in this last work nuances are more clear and what you said is into the nuances of this last record. This evening you've listened all the tracks of the last record, something from the second and from the first.
Pogopop: Can you tell us the titles of your albums?
Fluxus: The first one was "Vita in un pacifico nuovo mondo" (life in a pacific new world, n.d.a.), title stolen form a booklet to Geova Witnesses, exactly the opposite with the content of the record, which give also the name to the title track, a song where lyrics are one of the most important things. We did the second record in 1997, more or less and it was titled "Non esistere" (Not to be, n.d.a.). Even here we tried to give a sense to the things we do: starting from the images we use till the titles, the contents and to the words we use. Even there "Non esistere" is this contraddictory temporal condition, in which you can read something by your own..... but also analyzing the record there are some concepts that return like the one of temporal emptyness, of the stasys, of the not-conscience, and the push toward an individual conscience..... The third one is "Pura lana vergine" (Pure virgin wood, n.d.a.).... even here the words are a label if you take them all together but, if you take them one by one, its meaning is different at the same time. Inside the record you can find the exact definition taken from the dictionary so that "pure" can be a very positive term, in its meaning of pureness but it can also mean pure race.... or "virgin", at the same time means virgin but also the iron maiden.....
Pogopop: All these reflections are an input from readings or from life?
Fluxus: Well, from life for sure, if you think that in living to read and to know must be present, they have a very strong legacy.
Pogopop: Well, let's pass to the last question.... I liked so much the voice 'cause it was genuine... many italian band continue singing with a theatral voice - i.e. Marlene Kunz or romans Elettrojoyce - while your voice come out in a very spontaneous way.... and I also noted that you use basis at the beginnign of the songs...
Fluxus. yeah, this is a thing that we always used during recordings. On the records, but the second, there are intervals.... things used like a basis etc......
Thye are not the main thing, they are a part of the gig.... about the voice.... I am partial! How can I.... (laughs) not to be partial! But at the same time I am happy about your observation because nobody does it. In Italy there's a big problem about voice! Because there are monsters, that I also adore..... Do you know that I played jazz drums for years? And also other instruments.... by the way, my school is Mina (a famous 70s italian singer), from other things... And at the same time I think it's important to throw away all the vocal impostations, for the knid of music that we do..... You can use impostation in voice on other kind of music, and to find very good solutions, but not for our music... I always try to keep notes in my mind..... I have notes in my head and I try to keep them there, that's it.... and to use my voice in this way until it lasts, because sometims it goes low... y' know our body is always limited!
Pogopop: ..... overall with this flu around to keep a certain level is hard! Well, we are at the end, we suggest you to listen "Pura lana vergine" on sale now!!! OK, can you say hello to Pogopop listeners?
Fluxus: Cheers everybody.... and always less pop....!!!! (laughing)


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