1st encore:
There Is No If, Trust, Plainsong, Disintegration
2nd encore:
M, Play for Today, Just Like Heaven, A Forest
3rd Encore:
All Cats Are Grey, Faith.
Show was about 2 hours
and 50 minutes
(Thanks Remo)
Un crescendo di violini,
proiezioni al color viola. Si spengono le luci e arrivano loro, i Cure,
i più giovani fra i grandi vecchi del rock. La batteria irrompe
maestosa e parte, dopo una lunga introduzione di chitarre e un lungo applauso,
«Out of this world», seguita da «Watching me fall»
(11 minuti che dimostrano la genialità chitarristica del leader),
entrambi dal recente «Bloodflowers». Quasi dodicimila spettatori
ieri sera al Filaforum di Assago per i veterani inglesi del rock nati nel
'76 e cresciuti all'ombra dell'indiscusso leader Robert Smith. Quasi tre
ore di concerto tiratissimo a confermare un genere vario e raffinato, con
tutti gli elementi cari ai fan d'ogni età.
I Cure, saliti alla
ribalta mondiale nel 1982 con «Pornography», riescono ancora
a mantenere l'etichetta di band underground, in qualche modo «pura»,
spaziando dai funky trascinanti al genere dark, da brani solari ad altri
psichedelici o orientaleggianti. Nel '99 correvano voci di un imminente
scioglimento, ma l'arrivo dell'album «Bloodflowers» e il tour
in corso (che approda domani al Palasport di Firenze e l'8 al Palaeur di
Roma) hanno smentito la circostanza pur avendo Smith pubblicamente esternato
le sue incertezze sul futuro.
Da «Bloodflowers»,
come in altri concerti di questo tour, i Cure hanno proposto pure il brano
omonimo (un
tappeto sonoro di
percussioni «spaziali», una melodia intima) e la facile e orecchiabile
«Maybe someday». Ieri sera la tifoseria, preparata e agguerrita,
è apparsa divisa. Per taluni «Bloodflowers» è
l'essenza prima del gruppo, per altri la continuazione di un manierismo
cominciato tempo fa. Ma i Cure capeggiati da Smith, 42 anni, riescono ad
aggregare un vasto pubblico giovanile. Molti i cosiddetti post-punk: maglietta,
capelli corti, bicchiere di birra, qualche discreto tatuaggio o piercing,
ragazze col bicipite «palestrato» in bella mostra, alternativi
ma senza eccessi né eccentricità di look.
Lo spettacolo ha confermato l'unicità dei Cure nel panorama rock internazionale: hanno unito ancora una volta qualità e orecchiabilità. Smith, senza metterla giù tanto dura, domina la chitarra in modo eccelso, precursore di quelle venature etniche che oggi van tanto di moda. Successo trionfale, lanci di palloncini, danze sfrenate, atmosfera da spensierati anni '70.
Mario Luzzatto Fegiz
by Lucy
I can't believe the
Cure sang M in Milan yesterday night! It is the song I asked in the Cure
The first part of
the concert was really quiet, people were only listening to the band, almost
unusual for italian people that are usually mad to the concerts. Maybe
it was because the Forum was so hot. I enjoyed very much Sinking and Prayers
for rain. Also the new songs I liked very much, but you can understand,
I can't compare how much I like old song to the new one, although I like
the Bloodflowers cd a lot, one of the best they ever did.
The encores were great people started dancing and shaking and singing aloud. I felt so well... they played all my favourite songs, especially The plain song, Play for today and Disintegration and of course just like heaven and M. I liked very much the lights and the stage. Robert was very kind and walked all around the stage saying hello to everybody and in particular to somebody on the first rows...I guessed foreign Cure fans. I remember also last time they played in Milan to the Forum there were pleople from abroad in the same place. Another piece of my dream became true yesterday night, althought I would to see more Cure concerts and letting my dream be true again.
by Blaine
the show of milan
was brillant!!!
the encores were so
great that there is no words to describe how wonderfull it is.
I have seen the cure
many times since 1987 and I can say this show was one of the best one I
have ever seen .
by Fed.
A great show, where
we realize who The Cure is again most best band, especially "live". The
crowd is fantastic.
More fans dressed
black, with lipstick and mascara, dance and scream, and Robert is happy.
He give kisses with
hands. What concert
by Jean Paul
Third encore: All Cats are grey: simply THE CURE absolutely magic, a reminder of what The Cure have been. Faith, as usual, ends the show with some rhythmic embarrassment but with some tears fallen.
I can say two things:
the band is in good condition (anyway these are not the Cure they were
8 years ago...with Porl) and the setlist is a bit weird: I couldn't attend
other Dream Tour shows, but the feeling is that the song chosen from the
old (and ancient) album are the right ones: not obvious and with a common
mood, but the sequence is not perfect: Out of this world opens the show,
Want is the third song, Open the fifth, Plainsong is present as an encore,
sometimes they play The Kiss, all this songs are very beautiful OVERTOURES
and seem to lose sense played in the middle. The same could be said about
Bloodflowers, End and Faith but. anyway is rare attend to All cats are
grey or Siamese Twins in the year 2K.
About the new material
there is something good but the arrangements are even poorer than on the
I hope this will not
be the last tour, because The Cure (and the fans) deserve something more.